Sunday, February 10, 2008

青蛇与白蛇 Madam White Snake EP.04 7/7

Duration: 10:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-12 18:39:21
User: wzc722
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CAST: * Fann Wong - Madam White Snake, White Snake spirit, Bai Suzhen, Qin Xiaoxiao, Xi Shi 范文芳 - 白蛇,白蛇原神,白素贞,秦潇潇,西施 * Christopher Lee - Xu Xian, Xu Shilin, Lord Wu 李名顺 - 许仙,许仕林,吴王 * Zhang Yuyan - Green Snake 张玉嬿 - 青蛇,张青 * Jiao Enjun - Shi/Miao Junbao, Fahai 焦恩俊 - 石君宝,苗君宝,法海 ------------------------------------- Madam White Snake (青蛇与白蛇 or 白蛇新传) is a gongfu TV drama series jointly produced by MediaCorp (Media Corporation of Singapore) and Taiwanese producer Yang Peipei's Workshop. Starring a pan-Asian cast including celebrity couple Fann Wong and Christopher Lee, as well as Taiwanese actors Zhang Yuyan and Jiao Enjun, this swordfighting serial deftly explored in comic and tragic ways the politics of revenge through a well-executed and performed script. The serial was filmed in Hengdian City, Zhejiang Province of China, which formed a beautiful backdrop for this serial. The television serial was based on a legendary folk tale (Madame White Snake), involving a snake spirit and her male human lover, but was adapted in this version to include the presence of a black snake who is the snake spirit's mentor and the White Snake Spirit being trapped under the pagoda for 20 years, when in the original tale she was trapped under the tower for centuries. The serial won high viewership ratings in Taiwan and China. 导 演:赖义璋 主 演:焦恩俊 范文芳 张玉嬿 李铭顺 宋达民 上 映:1999年11月1日 地 区:新加坡 语 言:国语 时 长:30集 类 型:连续剧 蛇精修炼千年,早已成人形。一心想飞升成仙,人称蛇妖,自称蛇仙。由于自己前生乃美女(西施)因倾国有罪被天界罚作白牝蛇,生生 世世要在地上爬行,不得飞升。在南极仙翁的点化下,只要找着(吴王夫差),向他清缴从来孽债,则大事未可不成。 白蛇化身白素贞来到杭州,先误会金山寺住持无难禅师的俗家弟子石君宝是(吴王夫差),几经波折和青蛇大打出手才找到(吴王夫差),原来(吴王夫差)已投胎成许仙,但许仙因气死他一生中最爱的母亲,内疚自暴自弃来惩罚自己,浪荡成性,挥霍无度,嗜赌如命,为帮许仙走回正道,白蛇气得哭笑不得,七穷生烟,后来被许仙真情打动,结下孽缘,生下一子许仕林。 青蛇与石君宝纠缠不清,为断孽缘石君宝落发出家法号法海,法海为收白蛇与青蛇大打出手,白蛇施法兴风作浪,水淹金山,犯下天条被 压在雷峰塔下,并对许仙与白蛇乃孽胎许下二十年后带许仕林回金山寺受戒出家。 时光荏苒,二十年弹指便过,许仕林长大成人,并与情人潇潇在法海的帮助下寻得智仁勇二宝物,脱降孽障,白蛇和许仙可得以成仙做一 对神仙眷侣。仕林和潇潇经历了无数风波,有情人终成眷属


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