Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Jahvid Best run and Robert Jordan TD Cal vs Tennessee 2007

Duration: 00:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-02 03:37:04
User: aussiecalfan
:::: Favorites

Jahvid Best run and Robert Jordan TD Cal vs Tennessee 2007

philofspades ::: Favorites
Oregon is pumpin out some serious Reggie Bush clones.
07-09-04 00:35:54
Diezel21 ::: Favorites
He's not from Oregon, He's from THE BAY.
07-09-04 01:14:16
duckytyme ::: Favorites
07-09-03 23:57:12
football557 ::: Favorites
There is no embarassement in Tennessee, Tennessee fought hard and has so much youth on defense, and in the wide receiver position. I know Cal feels lucky to get away with a win, if the ball bounces differently a couple times, and Tennessee executes better in a few situations then it would of been a different game. Go vols
07-09-03 21:16:12
treymcneil ::: Favorites
cal has speed obviously, but i think they are a tad smaller (#1, #4, #5?) but have much more open field elusive-ness while TN's playmakers (#27) is a big boi brusier who ran over the CAL dbs, but never outran them.......TN really missed #20 L.Coker in this. and TN didnt get owned, SPL = F and their D is as soft as blueberry muffins, but their O will score
07-09-03 17:41:03
orangekush101 ::: Favorites
Im happy Cal beat Tennessee. They deserve the respect from the rest of the pac-10. Thank you for respresenting well. -from an SC fan-
07-09-03 12:09:25
dogonio ::: Favorites
best is a beast
07-09-03 09:30:54
Shortstuff23345 ::: Favorites
I cannot beilieve I know that kid. He is the best as you can tell by his last name. My goodness man. He will go big no doubt.
07-09-03 02:42:43
johnson89 ::: Favorites
damn not sure if u guys notice but jahvid got crack on the top of the screen wen jordan scored haha wen it showed replay on tv he hella didnt expect that hit lol
07-09-03 02:11:39
matt6123466 ::: Favorites
Pac-10 speed > SEC speed baby.. Tenn got owned. Cal is too fast.
07-09-03 01:41:16

La tumba perdida de Jesús/The lost tomb of Jesus (5)

Duration: 06:53 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-01 14:37:17
User: gaiogan
:::: Favorites

The lost tomb of Jesus

aharla ::: Favorites
si.. y la sexta?!:S
07-07-12 23:20:51
baddieorgoodie2 ::: Favorites
y la sexta parte???
07-07-08 09:45:59

Watch Grass Grow

Duration: 01:23 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-30 21:31:37
User: BullsBearsandCubs
:::: Favorites

A time lapse of grass growing. The best video on Youtube. http://www.watching-grass-grow.com/

leonellesmallchickkp ::: Favorites
Find a hot date at >>>> FLINGDATINGSITE dot COM <<<<
07-08-31 09:48:14
Swilly3224 ::: Favorites
shit still sucks
07-08-01 21:05:46
Dabulls2900 ::: Favorites
Still more fun to watch than soccer.
07-06-30 21:52:08


Duration: 03:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-22 11:56:19
User: mizzlatinaxazn3
:::: Favorites

its a pretty good song lol.

winnie16star ::: Favorites
good tune OMarion is hot u know
07-09-03 18:22:37
elchikokevo ::: Favorites
07-09-01 23:21:18
brookliyna ::: Favorites
nice beat it sound like it make you get yourslef up and let everybody start dancing.
07-09-01 04:01:38
frezzy11 ::: Favorites
hot , nice beat~!~ their voices are good!~!~
07-08-31 23:14:50
CandicenOmari ::: Favorites
great song
07-08-31 18:30:31
n1ckkkt ::: Favorites
love this song
07-08-27 17:26:42
MzKelly1989 ::: Favorites
07-08-24 20:47:22
shekiners ::: Favorites
07-08-24 14:48:58

Los Reyes,los Principes y la Infanta Leonor en Mallorca

Duration: 01:01 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-30 17:14:45
User: gaiogan
:::: Favorites

Telediario Antena3

michaelaonline30 ::: Favorites
07-08-29 20:27:14
melonys1exygirldz ::: Favorites
Find a hot date at >>>> FLINGDATINGSITE dot COM <<<<
07-08-27 14:43:05
spree1212 ::: Favorites
Viva la III República. Gana dinero leyendo mails: es-facil . com/ganar/alta?Id=64485865 (sin espacios)
07-08-22 08:20:24

VLOG 5 April 13, 2007

Duration: 08:04 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-13 19:38:31
User: SupaDupaFlyGirl
:::: Favorites

This is a typical VLOG. The middle and end are very silly enjoy xxLIZ

SupaDupaFlyGirl ::: Favorites
well you watched it none the less :)
07-08-26 10:08:42
torretto06 ::: Favorites
ill be honest, i only watched cause ur pretty cute
07-08-10 00:22:34
NCSWP ::: Favorites
(continued) by the way, i guess i should not expect too much from a "cock's" fan(;)), I just wish us poor backwoods southerns here could have quality education...we just have all UNC's( 5 if I'm not mistaken) Duke, NC state, wake forest, etc. You know, those dumb southern school's...
07-07-28 14:50:33
NCSWP ::: Favorites
So...as I'm sure you know, your cute, but I am sick of peoples poor interpretations/ impersonations of southern ways/people. I am a proud, educated 22 year old male from NC, and i can tell you, most of your pernunciations are way off you sound more like a swed. than a southerner...
07-07-28 14:42:33
drumboarder1 ::: Favorites
you look like jenn rivell (bams ex fionce)
07-07-28 12:17:41
MrLordi79 ::: Favorites
non ho capito una parola di quello che hai detto però sei bella che togli il fiato ;)
07-07-08 16:17:42
MonisiaPolska ::: Favorites
Hahaha thats really funny ^^ I don't like Vlogs, but yours was great xD Check out my videos if u like and tell me what u think about it... i guess you're straight ;) xxx Moni
07-06-19 14:43:23
derino101 ::: Favorites
very funny and very cute,too:D
07-06-19 14:39:27
SupaDupaFlyGirl ::: Favorites
thanks so much :D
07-05-21 23:20:48
cxshadows ::: Favorites
okay so if you havn't found out i'm a huge fan of Vlogs...another good video
07-05-21 22:35:43

La inauguració del Camp Nou (24/09/1957)

Duration: 06:54 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-08 09:17:54
User: mesqueunclub1899
:::: Favorites

La data prevista per a la inauguració de l'estadi era la del 24 de setembre del 1957. Per tal de portar a terme una cerimònia ben esplendorosa es va constituir una comissió organitzadora de la inauguració, la presidència de la qual va correspondre a dues persones: Aleix Buxeres (relacions públiques) i Nicolau Casaus (organització). El dissabte 21 de setembre José Maria de Cossío, membre de la Real Academia Española, va pronunciar, al Saló de les Cròniques de l'Ajuntament de Barcelona, el pregó que obria oficialment les festes de la inauguració de les noves instal·lacions. També, durant aquell cap de setmana de setembre, es van disputar al camp de les Corts i al Palau Municipal d'Esports una sèrie de partits internacionals, que van tenir com a protagonistes les diverses seccions del club. La transcendència d'aquelles jornades va quedar ben palesa en el fet que el gran poeta Josep M. de Sagarra escrivís un sonet intitulat 'Blau Grana', i en la creació d'un himne a l'Estadi del FC Barcelona, amb lletra de Josep Badia i música d'Adolf Cabané. Aquell dia de la Mercè de 1957, la ciutat va aparèixer engalanada amb els colors blaugrana. Els actes d'inauguració van començar amb una missa solemne i la benedicció de l'estadi per l'arquebisbe de Barcelona, Gregorio Modrego. Tot seguit, l'Orfeó Gracienc va cantar l''Al·leluia' de Händel i es va entronitzar la imatge de la Mare de Déu de Montserrat. Nombroses personalitats del món polític i esportiu van fer costat a la llotja al president Francesc Miró-Sans, com José Solís Ruiz, ministre secretario general del Movimiento, de qui depenia la política esportiva oficial en aquella època; José Antonio Elola Olaso, cap de la Delegación Nacional de Deportes; Felipe Acedo, governador civil de Barcelona, i Josep M. de Porcioles, alcalde de Barcelona. Amb més de 90.000 espectadors que omplien les graderies d'un Camp Nou que encara no estava acabat, començaren a desfilar pel terreny de joc representants dels clubs catalans de futbol, així com membres de les seccions del club, de les penyes barcelonistes i dels diversos equips de l'entitat. A continuació va ser interpretat el ja esmentat 'Himne a l'Estadi' i a dos quarts de cinc de la tarda, es va iniciar el partit inaugural. Es van enfrontar el FC Barcelona i el conjunt polonès del Varsòvia. La primera alineació barcelonista del nou estadi va ser: Ramallets, Olivella, Brugué, Segarra, Vergés, Gensana, Basora, Villaverde, Martínez, Kubala i Tejada. A la segona part l'onze barcelonista va ser el següent: Ramallets, Segarra, Brugué, Gràcia, Flotats, Bosch, Hermes, Ribelles, Tejada, Sampedro i Evaristo. El partit va acabar amb un 4-2 favorable als barcelonistes, amb gols d'Eulogio Martínez (qui, al minut 11, va marcar el primer gol del Camp Nou), Tejada, Sampedro i Evaristo. Durant el descans, 1.500 persones sota la direcció de l'Agrupació Cultural Folklòrica de Barcelona, van ballar una immensa sardana i es van alliberar 10.000 coloms. Començava d'aquesta manera una nova etapa en la història del FC Barcelona. 24-09-57 Amistós BARÇA 4 - SELECCIÓ VARSOVIA 2 Barça: Ramallets, Olivella (Gracia), Brugue, Segarra, Verges (Flotats), Gensana (Bosch), Basora (Hermes Gonzalez), Villaverde (Sampedro), Eulogio Martinez (Ribelles), Evaristo, Tejada. Selecció Varsovia: Simkovik, Florenky, Cepasky, Vernaik, Jansi, Lienstein, Nonack, Brich, Jankviski, Zimborsky, Basquienvicz. Gols: Eulogio Martínez 1, Tejada 1, Sampedro 1, Evaristo 1.

linuxaire ::: Favorites
arquitectes i permisos 7 milions, déu n'hi do!
07-08-11 09:06:37
xaviercastella ::: Favorites
Visca el Barça i Catalunya!
07-08-04 20:43:51
Carles86 ::: Favorites
Gràcies per penjar el vídeo! Força Barça!
07-06-05 17:00:50

Scottish Malts Classic Reliability Trial and Tour Dornoch..

Duration: 03:44 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-03 18:55:42
User: mac7172
:::: Favorites

Some of the cars that took part in the Scottish Malts Classic Reliability Trial and Tour 2007. That drove through Dornoch 1st May 2007

Aqui hay tomate- Real Gremio de Halconeros

Duration: 05:14 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-24 12:30:16
User: gaiogan
:::: Favorites

Aqui hay tomate

sharronpequeno927 ::: Favorites
Hot college babes hangout on cam at >> collegestudentcams DOT com <<
07-09-03 06:19:13

The Divine David

Duration: 02:16 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-05 20:10:20
User: fanguk
:::: Favorites

Artist David Hoyle in a former life as 'The Divine David' - think Liza Minelli channeling Leigh Bowery...on crack. Had a wonderful evening in Manchestahh with this beautiful guy a few years ago, and it was one of the most memorable and funny evenings of my life. Wherever you are out there David, I hope life is treating you well buddy! www.worldofwonder.net

fanguk ::: Favorites
yes - it works, just bought one! I COULD KISS YOU!!! thankyou for your help - think you've made more than a few people here happy :)
07-07-30 14:06:41
MissPetra ::: Favorites
i got one on ebay. Really good. The seller was Bumblebert i think.
07-07-30 13:49:00
neilrwilkinson ::: Favorites
anyone know where i can get the series on dvd?
07-07-26 13:20:30
holestar ::: Favorites
"the world is burning-lets masturbate!" such an inspiration
07-06-18 20:21:41
NoodleSandwich ::: Favorites
A wee-deo! Someone's sent me a wee-deo! Loved this guy - so entertaining
07-06-01 17:17:08
hornbaguk ::: Favorites
omg i loved this i toke alot of drugs when this was on and i was startin to tink i imagined this prog coz no1 heard of it acualy i do still have the xmas special on vhs
07-05-27 12:32:31
fanguk ::: Favorites
you're most welcome!
07-05-25 12:57:32
bladez666uk ::: Favorites
Jeez this takes me back! I loved this but no one seems to remember him! Thanks for this!!!
07-05-25 12:21:09
jodhpurs ::: Favorites
07-05-13 06:09:06
stafishandlatte ::: Favorites
please for the love of GOD upload them!!!!
07-04-24 21:13:59

Informativos Telecinco- Una letra para el Himno de España

Duration: 02:26 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-16 17:13:12
User: gaiogan
:::: Favorites

A primeros de junio de 2007, InformativosTelecinco.com convocó un certamen para que sus lectores propusieran su letra para acompañar al himno nacional. De entre todas ellas, tras la votación popular on-line, se destacaría una sobre las demás, la de Enrique Hernández-Luike. Un himno de metáforas sencillas y musicalidad accesible que ha vivido numerosas modificaciones hasta su versión final, la interpretada con sumo entusiasmo por el coro de Aranzueque. La letra definitiva es la que sigue: Madre Patria, los brazos enlazados en señal de paz, y en alto nuestra voz. Todos tus hijos al pie de la bandera y en la libertad de la Constitución. (bis) Arte y fuerza, conjunto de culturas, firme pedestal de un pueblo triunfador. (bis) Mano de Europa tendida a todo el Mundo, proa sobre el mar al viento del Amor. (bis) Madre Patria, los brazos enlazados en señal de paz, y en alto nuestra voz. (bis) Todos tus hijos al pie de la bandera y en la libertad de la Constitución. (bis)

JorgeGines ::: Favorites
Suspiros de Espana para himno
07-08-10 10:51:33
Dotcale ::: Favorites
buena letra?
07-08-07 00:11:08
Reginaypunto ::: Favorites
Que buena letra para nuestro himno!!!
07-07-24 11:06:49
elMaRc ::: Favorites
Visca aranzueque i visca Catalunya!
07-07-23 05:29:29
rosariorabadan ::: Favorites
07-07-18 02:54:07

Musarrat - 24 Aug - Rafta Rafta - SaReGaMa

Duration: 05:11 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-25 00:06:24
User: fantabolouss
:::: Favorites

http://www.cricfever.com presents Musarrat singing Rafta Rafta on 24th aug in sa re ga ma pa show

RockBaby01 ::: Favorites
that was so sweet!!!!!!! he looks as if he already is a singer!!!!!!!!!! LOLZ.
07-09-03 13:28:13
ushai01 ::: Favorites
he seems very professional!! Fardeen was right
07-09-03 12:52:40
akmnawab110 ::: Favorites
he sang it better than the original
07-09-02 14:52:59
ad71786 ::: Favorites
i really think mussarat sang this song really well...
07-09-01 17:56:31
Ravian1996 ::: Favorites
he is my HERO! you rock!
07-08-31 02:54:43
laseray ::: Favorites
hey ...thanx for uploading so prompt! ... can anyone tell me who got out in this round? there's 8 people now right?
07-08-26 03:56:20
ShahOnFire ::: Favorites
mind blowing...you are de winner Inshallah :) ..God bless you
07-08-25 12:07:41
mudasar505 ::: Favorites
he is all time great singer keep for gor him ... we can vote on saregamapa(dot)rediff(dot)com.best of luck u r great
07-08-25 07:29:44
fenshahoo ::: Favorites
i really think mussarat sang this song really well... i never thought mussarat will sing this song well... hats off to u...
07-08-25 06:47:30


Duration: 03:32 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-24 04:17:27
User: BullsBearsandCubs
:::: Favorites

You Got Scraper Biked!!!!! PWNAGE

BillCurley13 ::: Favorites
R.I.P The Hyphy Movement
07-09-03 14:26:03
jillyhotmommaht ::: Favorites
Get a hot date at > WEBFLINGTODAY . COM <
07-08-11 12:26:03
rooster541 ::: Favorites
07-08-08 21:08:35
Dabulls2900 ::: Favorites
SCRAPER BIKE!!! -posey
07-08-03 10:35:23
smellychoclate ::: Favorites
trunk niggers at it again
07-07-29 03:46:29
rprj ::: Favorites
07-07-27 00:31:41
joedude916 ::: Favorites
scraper bikes are retarded..and this song is even more stupid..
07-07-26 02:07:25
Swilly3224 ::: Favorites
SCrapppppperrrr bikessss
07-07-25 18:25:46
DaNo1StUnNa45 ::: Favorites
Lemme guess, sportsworld?
07-07-25 17:20:53
Swilly3224 ::: Favorites
Trunkkkk Boiiizzzz
07-07-25 16:17:21

Dravid 's wicket in the fifth ODI ( India vs England)

Duration: 00:33 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-02 10:25:20
User: fantabolouss
:::: Favorites

http://www.cricfever.com presents Dravid 's wicket in the fifth odi cricket match played between india and england

2007 IRL Michigan Dario Franchitti Flip

Duration: 05:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-19 16:20:35
User: Strnghld
:::: Favorites

2nd Most Viewed August 7th 2007 Darios massive flip at Michigan, AJ Foyt IV got a tire mark on his helmet credit to Corsair Any spam or anytihng that trashes the IRl cause im a huge fan will get removed

geek49203 ::: Favorites
I was in the garage area. When the car was returned to the garage area, they poured out parts from that car that were put into 5 gallon buckets. Pretty sure that even the steering wheel was used up.
07-08-26 23:27:57
mattkamper ::: Favorites
Thank god he was not hurt.
07-08-21 09:53:19

abu treka fomanshi

Duration: 08:35 minutes
Upload Time: 07-06-09 17:13:46
User: fm4events
:::: Favorites

abu treka fomanshi

hebooooo ::: Favorites
ابوتريكه اخطر من فومانشينى حتى اسال اوســـــــــــــــــــــــــــــه
07-08-07 19:30:45
Ahlawiyya ::: Favorites
ana mosh fahma bezzabt: el video 3an meen :/?????? :?
07-07-29 00:19:18
swatonline ::: Favorites
Very nice it's so cool
07-07-24 22:45:06
Collected23 ::: Favorites
ايه فيلم الرعب ده يا عم
07-07-10 12:13:37
sexawy2000 ::: Favorites
جمده جداًً شكراً يا جامد
07-07-05 15:11:29
komaaak ::: Favorites
fu man chu
07-06-26 07:48:29

Woda 2

Duration: 00:5 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-18 16:52:02
User: Mackownik
:::: Favorites

Nowa Animka ;)

Part 2 of 101 facts I bet you didn't know

Duration: 11:51 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-16 12:10:30
User: SupaDupaFlyGirl
:::: Favorites

More facts :D

mendonca98 ::: Favorites
is it wrong hat i just sat and watched her say i love you, over and over?? cool vid
07-08-30 10:45:20
ARMOND83 ::: Favorites
are you serious youre taller in the morning since youre muscles relax through night and expand also you can fold a paper more than 7 times easily
07-08-30 03:22:01
ChaleeTango ::: Favorites
I've seen the Mythbusters fold a giant piece of paper more than seven times. :-)
07-08-29 23:59:49
flarejetu687 ::: Favorites
This vid is awesome.. you can get the complete version at _SUNNYFIRE.NET_
07-08-29 13:12:40
kickazz1234 ::: Favorites
i love it when u say a pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes and you're like that's cool!! LMAO
07-08-26 18:31:31
xBuKun00x ::: Favorites
i think those where the best 10 minutes i`ve had in a while xD thanks for the facts and for having good taste(both jim morrison and jack sparrow are hot on your wall ;P)
07-08-26 12:24:47
SupaDupaFlyGirl ::: Favorites
LOL well thats pretty damn cool
07-08-26 10:09:11
theoldgirl88 ::: Favorites
I actually paused the vid to get a sheet of paper...damn you, LOL! You're awesome.
07-08-26 02:23:17
throwbakman ::: Favorites
the best video i have seen in you tube... ever! i mean you presented this information like a pro! you could totaly make a career out of it (teaching??)
07-08-25 06:26:43
ChyeaAlexx ::: Favorites
This is the funniest video I have ever watched!!
07-08-24 23:59:31

Justin Timberlake - Lovestoned (Tiesto Remix)

Duration: 04:34 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-13 23:16:21
User: Endorphine123
:::: Favorites

Justin Timberlake - Lovestoned (Tiesto Remix) from Club Life Episode 15

djkevzzz ::: Favorites
very true pumpkin, its awesome as an orig. song but somehow the bpm and rate which tiesto changed made it better, he spiced it up!
07-09-03 03:27:09
hanne1989 ::: Favorites
hij is cker door thys gemaakt! en kan dat wettuh als zijn broertje zijnde!
07-08-31 08:45:47
pumpkinpieguy1 ::: Favorites
I guess I see what you mean, but it does sound much better than the original. And I'm not just saying this because I'm an EDM fan, but because I actually feel that it sounds much better this way. While you may believe it isn't really mixing, the song in general is pretty good now that he's remixed it.
07-08-30 22:59:27
shershii ::: Favorites
Hi, this remix is very exclusive..This is good work :-)
07-08-30 16:47:57
russianukraine ::: Favorites
i like.
07-08-30 13:32:50
MammaMia19 ::: Favorites
This isn't that great of a mix. Just the original song placed under a remix beat. Not real remixing.
07-08-30 11:24:31
KermisKaj ::: Favorites
Lekker mix, maar ik geloof dat niet door Thijs zelf gemaakt is!
07-08-29 13:54:12
chrizje ::: Favorites
Tiesto is ;)
07-08-26 15:32:15
scottienl ::: Favorites
hup holland !
07-08-25 15:13:06
roninbleach ::: Favorites
hes from holland?
07-08-25 12:41:45

Green Keeper's #*!? Part 2

Duration: 00:10 minutes
Upload Time: 07-05-06 09:36:22
User: mac7172
:::: Favorites

Two Green Keeper Getting a Blow.. Part 2

LOGITECHTONE ::: Favorites
Fantastic!!! Lets see what else you boys can do
07-05-11 14:35:57
scooshyboy ::: Favorites
07-05-10 09:19:35

Beyonce Sugar Mama

Duration: 04:31 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-04 19:55:17
User: mirra07
:::: Favorites

Another New Video

latoyaevon ::: Favorites
I like this video, go B!
07-08-27 21:39:53
btrue232 ::: Favorites
The video is hot. I don't think she made this one for the ladies who I'm assuming posted most of the comments about not liking it. I don't think the fellas have a problem feeling this concept, besides, it was shot in black and white, that's artsy fartsy enough......and if she did match the video to the song lyrics it would be like a porno cutting to shots of Jay-Z putting his pimp hand down, and I'd rather not see that.
07-08-21 08:19:15
btrue232 ::: Favorites
Being a Christian man, I'll admit it would be nice if she covered up her body a bit more, and didn't tease me with the stripper routine................but since she's doing her, I can't help but admire her in all her sexiness, and regardless of what the haters want to say about her body or her dancing or whatever it doesn't take away from the fact that she can sing, and she's a talented artist. This is one of my favorite songs by her.
07-08-21 08:14:26
blueisisrose ::: Favorites
You know,I always liked this song but this video has kind of killed it for me. I mean I've been with this girl since the days of "No No No" and I have never been disappointed like this. I still like the song but the video is dead to me. And what the hell is up with the dance at 2:01!? Ha girl busted her ass at the end. Go Beyonce, I ain't mad at ya.
07-08-13 13:20:12
barbiebabe125 ::: Favorites
cool video hey everyone could you check out my page and leave comments plz every friend request will be accepted i would be greatful if you leave a message plz no rude ones but feel free to tell me your opinion on my page ;)
07-08-08 10:33:44
CreamSoda101 ::: Favorites
Well, you must've made a mistake cause you ended up sending me a message.
07-07-26 17:29:48
Larae718 ::: Favorites
Is your name kaylad91? NO!!
07-07-26 17:28:08
CreamSoda101 ::: Favorites
What the fuck??? Were you trying to address me? Make your point clear if you was.
07-07-26 16:19:13
Larae718 ::: Favorites
DAMN!!! She got you shook like THAT? LMAO
07-07-26 00:56:02
Larae718 ::: Favorites
No you can't. Writing is spelled W.R.I.T.I.N.G. not W.R.I.T.E.I.N.G.
07-07-26 00:54:29